Electronic Commerce Systems:Intraorganizational Networks and EDI

Intraorganizational Networks and EDI

Local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and EDI are electronic commerce technologies that have been with us for decades. As such, these topics are frequently found among the subject matter of introductory information technology courses. Because many accounting and information systems students become familiar with these topics before taking an AIS course, this material is covered in the chapter’s appendix. The body of the chapter focuses on the salient issues pertaining to Internet-based electronic commerce. Students who have not been exposed to network and EDI topologies and technologies, however, should review the appendix before proceeding, as the treatment in the chapter presumes this background.

Internet Commerce

Internet commerce has enabled thousands of business enterprises of all sizes, as well as millions of consumers, to congregate and interact in a worldwide virtual shopping mall. Along with enormous opportunities, however, the electronic marketplace has engendered unique risks. This section of the chapter examines the technologies, benefits, risks, and security issues associated with Internet commerce.


The Internet was originally developed for the U.S. military and later became used widely for academic and government research. Over recent years, it has evolved into a worldwide information highway. This growth is attributed to three factors. First, in 1995, national commercial telecommunications companies such as MCI, Sprint, and UUNET took control of the backbone elements of the Internet and have continued to enhance their infrastructures. Large Internet service providers (ISPs) can link into these backbones to connect their subscribers, and smaller ISPs can connect directly to the national backbones or into one of the larger ISPs. Second, online services like CompuServe and America Online connect to the Internet for e-mail, which enables users of different services to communicate with each other. Third, the development of graphics-based Web browsers, such as Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, has made accessing the Internet a simple task. The Internet thus became the domain of everyday people with PCs rather than just scientists and computer hackers. As a result, the Web has grown exponentially and continues to grow daily.

Packet Switching

The Internet employs communications technologies based on packet switching. Figure 12-1 illustrates this technique, whereby messages are divided into small packets for transmission. Individual packets of the same message may take different routes to their destinations. Each packet contains address and sequencing codes so they can be reassembled into the original complete message at the receiving end. The choice of transmission path is determined according to criteria that achieve optimum utilization of the long-distance lines, including the degree of traffic congestion on the line, the shortest path between the end points, and the line status of the path (that is, working, failed, or experiencing errors). Network switches provide a physical connection for the addressed packets only for the duration of the message; the line then becomes available to other users. The first international standard for wide area packet switching networks was X.25, which was defined when all circuits were analog and very susceptible to noise. Subsequent packet technologies, such as frame relay and SMDS (Switched Multimegabit Data Service), were designed for today’s almost error-free digital lines.

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Virtual Private Networks

A virtual private network (VPN) is a private network within a public network. For years, common carriers have built VPNs, which are private from the client’s perspective, but physically share backbone trunks with other users. VPNs have been built on X.25 and frame-relay technologies. Today, Internet- based VPNs are of great interest. Maintaining security and privacy in this setting, however, requires encryption and authentication controls discussed later in the chapter.


Another variant on Internet technology is the extranet. This is a password-controlled network for private users rather than the general public. Extranets are used to provide access between trading partner internal databases. Internet sites containing information intended for private consumption frequently use an extra- net configuration.

World Wide Web

The World Wide Web (Web) is an Internet facility that links user sites locally and around the world. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee of the European Center for Nuclear Research in Geneva developed the Web as a means of sharing nuclear research information over the Internet. The fundamental format for the Web is a text document called a Web page that has embedded Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) codes that provide the formatting for the page as well as hypertext links to other pages. The linked pages may be stored on the same server or anywhere in the world. HTML codes are simple alphanumeric characters that can be typed with a text editor or word processor. Most word processors support Web publishing features that allow text documents to be converted to HTML format.

Web pages are maintained at Web sites, which are computer servers that support Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The pages are accessed and read via a Web browser such as Internet Explorer. To access a Web site, the user enters the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) address of the target site in the Web browser. When an Internet user visits a Web site, his or her point of entry is typically the site’s home page. This HTML document serves as a directory to the site’s contents and other pages. Through browsers, the Web provides point-and-click access to the largest collection of online information in the world. The Web has also become a multimedia delivery system that supports audio, video, videoconferencing, and three-dimensional animation. The ease of Web page creation and navigation via browsers has driven the unprecedented growth of the Web. In 1994, there were approximately 500 Web sites in the world; today there are millions.

Internet Addresses

The Internet uses three types of addresses for communications: (1) e-mail addresses, (2) Web site URL addresses, and (3) Internet protocol (IP) addresses of individual computers attached to a network.

E-MAIL ADDRESS. The format for an e-mail address is USER NAME@DOMAIN NAME. For exam- ple, the address of the author of this textbook is jah0@lehigh.edu. There are no spaces between any of the words. The user name (or in this case, the user identification [ID]) is jah0. A domain name is an organization’s unique name combined with a top-level domain (TLD) name. In the previous example, the unique name is lehigh and the TLD is edu. Following are examples of TLD names:

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Outside the United States, the TLD names consist of the country code, such as .uk for the United Kingdom and .es for Spain. The Internet Ad Hoc Committee has introduced a category called a generic top-level domain, which includes the following:

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The Internet e-mail addressing system allows the user to send e-mail directly to the mailboxes of users of all major online services.

URL ADDRESS. The URL is the address that defines the path to a facility or file on the Web. URLs are typed into the browser to access Web site home pages and individual Web pages and can be embedded in Web pages to provide hypertext links to other pages. The general format for a URL is protocol prefix, domain name, subdirectory name, and document name. The entire URL is not always needed. For example, to access the South-Western Publishing home page, only the following protocol and domain name are required:


The protocol prefix is http:// and the domain name is www.cengage.com/accounting/hall From this home page, the user can activate hyperlinks to other pages as desired. The user can go directly to a linked page by providing the complete address and separating the address components with slashes. For example,


Subdirectories can be several levels deep. To reference them, each must be separated with a slash. For example, the elements of the following URL for a hypothetical sporting goods company are described next.

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IP ADDRESS. Every computer node and host attached to the Internet must have a unique Internet Proto- col (IP) address. For a message to be sent, the IP addresses of both the sending and the recipient nodes must be provided. Currently, IP addresses are represented by a 32-bit data packet. The general format is four sets of numbers separated by periods. The decomposition of the code into its component parts varies depending on the class to which it is assigned. Class A, class B, and class C coding schemes are used for large, medium, and small networks, respectively. To illustrate the coding technique, the IP address translates into:

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The word protocol has been used several times in this section. Let’s now take a closer look at the mean- ing of this term. Protocols are the rules and standards governing the design of hardware and software that permit users of networks, which different vendors have manufactured, to communicate and share data. The general acceptance of protocols within the network community provides both standards and economic incentives for the manufacturers of hardware and software. Products that do not comply with prevailing protocols will have little value to prospective customers.

The data communications industry borrowed the term protocol from the diplomatic community. Diplomatic protocols define the rules by which the representatives of nations communicate and collaborate dur- ing social and official functions. These formal rules of conduct are intended to avoid international problems that could arise through the misinterpretation of ambiguous signals passed between diplomatic counterparts. The greatest potential for error naturally exists between nations with vastly dissimilar cultures and conventions for behavior. Establishing a standard of conduct through protocols, which all members of the diplomatic community understand and practice, minimizes the risk of miscommunications between nations of different cultures.

An analogy may be drawn to data communications. A communications network is a community of computer users who also must establish and maintain unambiguous lines of communication. If all net- work members had homogeneous needs and operated identical systems, this would not be much of a problem; however, networks are characterized by heterogeneous systems components. Typically, network users employ hardware devices (PC, printers, monitors, data storage devices, modems, and so on) and software (user applications, network control programs, and operating systems) that a variety of vendors produce. Passing messages effectively from device to device in such a multivendor environment requires ground rules or protocols.

What Functions Do Protocols Perform?

Protocols serve network functions in several ways.1 First, they facilitate the physical connection between the network devices. Through protocols, devices are able to identify themselves to other devices as legitimate network entities and initiate (or terminate) a communications session.

Second, protocols synchronize the transfer of data between physical devices. This involves defining the rules for initiating a message, determining the data transfer rate between devices, and acknowledging message receipt.

Third, protocols provide a basis for error checking and measuring network performance. This is done by comparing measured results against expectations. For example, performance measures pertaining to storage device access times, data transmission rates, and modulation frequencies are critical to controlling the network’s function. Thus, the identification and correction of errors depend on protocol standards that define acceptable performance.

Fourth, protocols promote compatibility among network devices. To transmit and receive data successfully, the various devices involved in a particular session must conform to a mutually acceptable mode of operation, such as synchronous, asynchronous and duplex, or half-duplex. Without protocols to provide such conformity, messages sent between devices would be distorted and garbled.

Finally, protocols promote network designs that are flexible, expandable, and cost-effective. Users are free to change and enhance their systems by selecting from the best offerings of a variety of vendors. Manufacturers must, of course, construct these products in accordance with established protocols.

The Layered Approach to Network Protocol

The first networks used several different protocols that emerged in a rather haphazard manner. These protocols often provided poor interfaces between devices that actually resulted in incompatibilities. Also, early protocols were structured and inflexible, thus limiting network growth by making system changes difficult. A change in the architecture at a node on the network could have an unpredictable effect on an unrelated device at another node. Technical problems such as these can translate into unrecorded transac- tions, destroyed audit trails, and corrupted databases. Out of this situation emerged the contemporary model of layered protocols. The purpose of a layered-protocol model is to create a modular environment that reduces complexity and permits changes to one layer without adversely affecting another.

The data communication community, through the International Standards Organization,2 has developed a layered set of protocols called the Open System Interface (OSI). The OSI model pro- vides standards by which the products of different manufacturers can interface with one another in a seamless interconnection at the user level. This seven-layer protocol model is discussed in detail in the appendix.


Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is the basic protocol that permits communication between Internet sites. It was invented by Vinton Cerf and Bob Kah under contract from the U.S. Depart- ment of Defense to network dissimilar systems. This protocol controls how individual packets of data are formatted, transmitted, and received. This is known as a reliable protocol because delivery of all the pack- ets to a destination is guaranteed. If delivery is interrupted by hardware or software failure, the packets are automatically retransmitted.

The TCP portion of the protocol ensures that the total number of data bytes transmitted was received. The IP component provides the routing mechanism. Every server and computer in a TCP/IP network requires an IP address, which is either permanently assigned or dynamically assigned at start-up. The IP part of the TCP/IP protocol contains a network address that is used to route messages to different networks.

Although TCP/IP is the fundamental communications protocol for the Internet, the following are some of the more common protocols that are used for specific tasks.

File Transfer Protocols

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used to transfer text files, programs, spreadsheets, and databases across the Internet. TELNET is a terminal emulation protocol used on TCP/IP-based networks. It allows users to run programs and review data from a remote terminal or computer. TELNET is an inherent part of the TCP/IP communications protocol. While both protocols deal with data transfer, FTP is useful for down- loading entire files from the Internet; TELNET is useful for perusing a file of data as if the user were actually at the remote site.

Mail Protocols

Simple Network Mail Protocol (SNMP) is the most popular protocol for transmitting e-mail messages. Other e-mail protocols are Post Office Protocol and Internet Message Access Protocol.

Security Protocols

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a low-level encryption scheme used to secure transmissions in higher- level HTTP format. Private Communications Technology (PCT) is a security protocol that provides secure transactions over the Web. PCT encrypts and decrypts a message for transmission. Most Web browsers and servers support PCT and other popular security protocols such as SSL. Secure Electronic Transmission is an encryption scheme developed by a consortium of technology firms and banks (Netscape, Microsoft, IBM, Visa, MasterCard, and so on) to secure credit card transactions. Customers making credit card purchases over the Internet transmit their encrypted credit card number to the merchant, who then transmits the number to the bank. The bank returns an encrypted acknowledgment to the merchant. The customer need not worry about an unscrupulous merchant decrypting the customer’s credit card number and misusing the information. Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) is a standard for secure e-mail on the Internet. It supports encryption, digital signatures, and digital certificates as well as both private and public key methods (which will be discussed later).

Network News Transfer Protocol

Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) is used to connect to Usenet groups on the Internet. Usenet newsreader software supports the NNTP protocol.


HTTP controls Web browsers that access the Web. When the user clicks on a link to a Web page, a connection is established and the Web page is displayed, then the connection is broken. Hyper- Text Transport Protocol–Next Generation (HTTP-NG) is an enhanced version of the HTTP proto- col that maintains the simplicity of HTTP while adding important features such as security and authentication.


Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the document format used to produce Web pages. HTML defines the page layout, fonts, and graphic elements as well as hypertext links to other documents on the Web. HTML is used to lay out information for display in an appealing manner such as one sees in magazines and newspapers. The ability to lay out text and graphics (including pictures) is important in terms of appeal to users in general. Even more pertinent is HTML’s support for hypertext links in text and graphics that enable the reader to virtually jump to another document located anywhere on the World Wide Web.

Advances in Internet technology and connectivity have moved corporations toward disclosure of corporate financial information in a form compatible with standard Web-browsing tools. In this way, investors and analysts may have access to current corporate information. Dissemination of HTML- based financial reports, however, is limited to presentation only. If the receiving organization wishes to perform computer analysis on this information, such as comparing performance of several corporations within an industry, it must manually enter the financial data into its system for processing. Unlike XML and XBRL (discussed in Chapter 8) HTML does not support the exchange of information in a relational form that can be automatically imported into the receiving organization’s internal database and analyzed.


Virtually all types of businesses have benefited in some way from Internet commerce. Some potentially significant benefits include:

• Access to a worldwide customer and/or supplier base.

• Reductions in inventory investment and carrying costs.

• The rapid creation of business partnerships to fill market niches as they emerge.

• Reductions in retail prices through lower marketing costs.

• Reductions in procurement costs.

• Better customer service.

Internet Business Models

Not all organizations enjoy all the benefits previously listed. The benefits attained from electronic commerce will depend on the degree of organizational commitment to it as a business strategy. This can occur on three levels, discussed in the following section.

INFORMATION LEVEL. At the information level of activity, an organization uses the Internet to dis- play information about the company, its products, services, and business policies. This level involves lit- tle more than creating a Web site, and it is the first step taken by most firms entering the Internet marketplace. When customers access the Web site, they generally first visit the home page. This is an index to the site’s contents through other Web pages. Large organizations often create and manage their Web sites internally. Smaller companies have their sites hosted on servers that an ISP maintains. To be successful at this level, the organization must ensure that: (1) information displayed on the Web site is current, complete, and accurate; (2) customers can find the site and successfully navigate through it;

(2) an adequate hardware and software infrastructure exists to facilitate quick access during high-usage periods; and (4) only authorized users access information on the site.

TRANSACTION LEVEL. Organizations involved at the transaction level use the Internet to accept orders from customers and/or to place them with their suppliers. This involves engaging in business activities with total strangers from remote parts of the world. These may be customers, suppliers, or potential trading partners. Many of the risks that are discussed later in the chapter relate to this (and to the next) level of electronic commerce. Success in this domain involves creating an environment of trust by resolving the key concerns listed here:

• Ensure that data used in the transaction are protected from misuse.

• Verify the accuracy and integrity of business processes used by the potential customer, partner, or supplier.

• Verify the identity and physical existence of the potential customer, partner, or supplier.

• Establish the reputation of the potential customer, partner, or supplier.

DISTRIBUTION LEVEL. Organizations operating on the distribution level use the Internet to sell and deliver digital products to customers. These include subscriptions to online news services, software products and upgrades, and music and video products. In addition to all the concerns identified at the transac- tion level, firms involved in this aspect of electronic commerce are concerned that products are delivered successfully and only to legitimate customers.

Dynamic Virtual Organizations

Perhaps the greatest potential benefit to be derived from electronic commerce is the firm’s ability to forge dynamic business alliances with other organizations to fill unique market niches as opportunities arise. These may be long-lasting partnerships or one-time ventures. Electronic partnering of business enterprises forms a dynamic virtual organization that benefits all parties involved.

For example, consider a company that markets millions of different products including books, music, software, and toys over the Internet. If this were a traditional organization created to serve walk-in

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customers, it would need a massive warehouse to store the extensive range of physical products that it sells. It must also make significant financial investments in inventory and personnel to maintain stock, fill customer orders, and control the environment. A virtual organization does not need this physical infra- structure. Figure 12-2 illustrates the partnering relationship possible in a virtual organization.

The selling organization maintains a Web site for advertising product offerings. The products them- selves are not physically in the custody of the seller, but are stored at the trading partner’s (for example, manufacturer, publisher, or distributor) facilities. The seller provides customers with product descriptions, consumer reports, prices, availability, and expected delivery times. This information comes from trading partners through an Internet connection. The seller validates customer orders placed through the Web site and automatically dispatches these to the trading partner firm, which actually ships the product.

The virtual organization can expand, contract, or shift its product line and services by simply adding or eliminating trading partners. To fully exploit this flexibility, organizations often forge relationships with total strangers. Managers in both firms need to make quick determinations as to the competence, compatibility, and capacity of potential partners to discharge their responsibilities. These and other security-related risks are potential impediments to electronic commerce.


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